For entry from 1st September 2024 onwards Foundation places will be allocated in this order:
F1 Children who regularly attend a Christian church or chapel in the deaneries of Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham or Westminster and who attend a Church of England primary school in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (a foundation feeder school);
F2 Children who regularly attend a Christian church or chapel within the deaneries of Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham or Westminster;
F3 Children who attend a Church of England primary school in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (a foundation feeder school).
If any of the above categories are oversubscribed, places in that category will be allocated in order of distance from home to the Academy, measured in a straight line using the RBKC computerised measuring service. Those not offered Foundation places will be considered against the criteria for Community places and vice versa.
Regular attendance at church must have been for at least one year, on at least two occasions per month. Attendance at virtual or online services when the place of worship is closed is acceptable. The priest or vicar must complete and sign the declaration on the Foundation place application form to confirm the necessary level of attendance. Families who have moved into the area within the previous year may submit a form signed by the priest or vicar to confirm that they attended regularly in the place where they used to live.
Christian churches or chapels are defined as those which are members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance or of the Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox family of churches.
If you would like to apply for a foundation place you must complete both parts of the application form
Part 1 – click here to complete this part online
Part 2 – please print off the Part 2 Foundation supplementary form (SIF) below and take this to your priest or vicar to be signed. Detailed instructions are on the form.
If you have any questions on applying for a Foundation place please email