We have had a very busy autumn term in the sixth form at Chelsea Academy. Year 12 students have been settling into their new A level courses, and getting used to the fantastic facilities we have in our sixth form centre. The new laptop cabinet and the opportunity for students to borrow a device to use while they are working in the sixth form centre has made a huge impact on students and their ability to work independently.
Our Yr 13 students have been busy deciding which universities, colleges and apprenticeships to apply for, and have received a huge amount of support from their learning coaches, subjects teachers, Mr Gilchrist, and Mrs McNally to help them write their personal statements and prepare for interviews. Currently 77 of our Yr 13 students have submitted applications to UCAS, with 72 of those students already in receipt of at least one conditional offer for a university course of their choice. We have also had our highest ever number of students applying for, and being invited for interview at, Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College.
Well done everyone, have a well deserved break over Christmas and come back raring to go in January.