Sixth Form Admissions

Please click here for our online application form You will need your GCSE predicted grades and correct contact details, including email address for a referee at your school who can confirm your predicted grades. Applications closed on 31st January 2025 We will let you know the outcome of your application by end of February 2025. If you have any questions please email

Joining our Sixth Form

Welcome to Chelsea Academy Sixth Form. We place great emphasis on support for the individual at the Academy. We provide excellent pastoral support, alongside outstanding teaching in our academic A level courses, ensuring a greater level of personal support than some Sixth Forms. We look for students that are prepared to commit to hard work, with no excuses and who share the Academy’s Christian values of joy, charity, perseverance, forgiveness and servant leadership.

At Chelsea Academy Sixth Form, students are well-provided for with a separate private study area, on-site careers advisor, mentoring opportunities, weekly lectures with external guests, and a varied enrichment programme which currently includes exclusive access to our sports facilities on Wednesday afternoons, Drama LAMDA award and cooking. We run an extensive super curricular programme including the opportunity to attend a biannual trip to CERN, a Business and Economics trip to Spain, and field trips in many subjects.We are also very proud of the contributions our Sixth Form students make to leading in the charity events at Chelsea Academy. Last year over £1000 was raised for Save the Children by our students through a series of fundraising events.

My colleagues and I are very proud of what our students achieve and do everything we can to ensure that their hard work and commitment allows each one to make the best of themselves. We are delighted with our 2024 examination results, achieving 48% A*-B and 19% A*-A at A level, with students going on to study History and Politics at Oxford, Chemistry and Electronic and Information Engineering at Imperial College, Physics at UCL, Computer Science at Liverpool, History at Exeter, Medicine at Brighton & Sussex Medical School, degree apprenticeships with PWC, Amazon and the BBC, as well as many other top destinations, including students studying in Italy and Canada.

Jo Holgate

Assistant Principal Post 16


  • 360 Tour of the School
    360 Tour of the School
    Explore our outstanding facilities and campus.
  • Sixth Form Open Evening
    Sixth Form Open Evening
    Find out about our Sixth Form Open Evening.
  • Course Information
    Course Information
    View our A Level offer and entry requirements. (This link opens a new website)
  • Careers Information
    Careers Information
    Chelsea Academy is committed to providing all students with an inspiring Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme that inculcates the skillsets, mindsets and behaviours needed to prosper in the 21st century.
  • Higher Education Preparation
    Higher Education Preparation
    The additional opportunities Sixth Form students have to prepare for University and apprenticeships. 100% of year 13 students either go onto university or into an apprenticeship.
  • An 'Outstanding' School
    An 'Outstanding' School
    Chelsea Academy is rated Outstanding by Ofsted and SIAMS (the Church Inspection Framework). View our reports to find out more.
  • School Performance
    School Performance
    Chelsea Academy A levels results are significantly above national averages. In 2019 56% of all grades were A* to B and 35% A* to A.
"I have found (as has my child) that the teachers are kind, and completely in touch with what teenagers need. They realise that the way to get the best out of children is to believe in them- believe they can succeed and that they want to do things right. The school and the teachers should be so proud of themselves."
"Chelsea has proven itself to be a highly competent Sixth Form - the experience has given our son much hope and practical assistance to build his future. Thank you for your excellent work, it is a great blessing to our family."
"The support and help we receive for both our children is superb. The enthusiasm and dedication of the teachers is showing on every parents evening and children’s feedback."
"I am so happy that my child settled in and is very happy.I would recommend Chelsea Academy to other parents."


Please click here for our online application form

You will need your GCSE predicted grades and correct contact details, including email address for a referee at your school who can confirm your predicted grades.

Applications closed on 31st January 2025

We will let you know the outcome of your application by end of February 2025.

If you have any questions please email

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