Continuing professional development

Chelsea Academy recognises that members of staff are its most important resource and believes that the strongest teachers are the most effective learners.

Teaching is a ‘learning profession’ and students learn best when their teachers remain committed to learning themselves, so to raise student achievement we must raise teacher achievement. We therefore create, maintain, review and develop the conditions which enable teachers and students to achieve effective learning. This is supported through the development of a coherent long and short term continuing professional development (CPD) programme, based upon:

  • the Academy development plan
  • the Faculty and Curriculum Area development plans contained within the Academy development plan
  • performance management targets
  • individual personal development needs
  • training identified through lesson observation

Some of the CPD opportunities at Chelsea Academy

We offer a range of in-house and externally facilitated CPD. Including:

  • Middle Leader in-house ‘excellence in leadership’ programme.
  • Partnerships with other schools – locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Academy INSET days.
  • NPQMLNPQSLteaching leaders or future leaders external training.
  • Two hour (3pm to 5pm) Wednesday afternoon INSET sessions for all staff.
  • Regular performance management reviews and meetings – three each year recorded and monitored through BlueSky.
  • Coaching and mentoring from the lead practitioners team.
  • Video recording and reviews of lessons through bespoke hardware.
  • NQT programme of weekly support and development.
  • Second year teacher programme.
  • Secondments to the leadership team.

Investors in People Gold

We have held the Investors in People Gold award for the past 4 years and are proud to have been reaccredited this award in 2015.

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