Exam Arrangements for Years 10 and 11

Exams arrangements for Years 9, 10 and 11

Year 10

All Year 10 students sit exams at the end of each term, as they do in Key Stage 3. Students are given revision materials by all subject teachers throughout the course of their studies and these are available for all students on Google Classroom. 
In RE, Year 10 students sit a full mock exam in formal conditions (i.e. in the sports hall and following formal line-up procedures) in December of Year 10, then an additional mock exam during the standard spring term assessment week. The full GCSE RE exam is sat by all Year 10 students in May. Consequently, there is no RE assessment during the summer term exam week.

Year 11

Students sit full mock exams over a two week period in December of Year 11 in formal conditions (see above). Given the particularly heavy exam load of the GCSE English and Mathematics courses, additional mock exams are sat by the students towards the end of each half-term. Specific details of these exam times are available from Curriculum Leaders. Typically, the GCSE exam season begins in mid-May of Year 11, although some exams such as Art may precede this date.

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