
Whilst our vision is simplified to Learning together to Flourish the extract below explores what this means in more detail:

We are an inspirational community welcoming students and staff with open arms and open hearts.  Our Christian values anchor us and provide a framework with which to live, learn and work together through kindness and love.  Throughout their time at Chelsea Academy every student will flourish. Each student has access to a rich academic curriculum that excites, inspires and  challenges. Beyond the taught curriculum are bountiful opportunities for students to develop their interests and passions. We acknowledge and embrace vulnerability, ensuring all students develop the resilience, wisdom and skills to equip them for their lives ahead.

We are aspirant and ambitious for our students as our curriculum shows:

At Chelsea Academy we educate the whole child. We inspire our students to become happy and employable young people equipped with the skills and integrity to flourish in a changing world

Our Curriculum:

  • is anchored in our Christian Values
  • is fully inclusive and celebrates diversity
  • values all subjects, both core and creative, academic and vocational
  • develops students’ ability to be resilient, reflective, resourceful and responsible learners
  • provides pathways for academic success
  • prepares students beyond knowledge and skills to be successful in tomorrow’s world

Throughout their five or seven year journey at the Academy we hope every student will flourish as a result of a rich and engaging curriculum. We want students to leave us with good results that allow them to progress onto higher education and employment and with a love of learning.

For more information, explore our curriculum.